With StrongPass PC Logon for Windows, you can log into your account on a Windows computer by scanning a QR Code on the logon desktop with your StrongPass Teams App. If your phone and PC support Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy), you can use StrongPass Proximity instead of scanning a QR Code.
StrongPass PC Logon for Windows is included with the Authomate StrongPass Components available for download here. Once installed, follow the simple steps below which show how to add a local or domain account, then log into a Windows 10 computer.
Add A Computer Account
The first time you use your StrongPass App with a new computer you will be prompted to add your login credentials to the App. You can add both local accounts and domain accounts.
1) When you start your computer, or lock the screen, the PC Logon QR Code will be displayed. If you do not see the QR Code, click on the StrongPass PC Logon option at the bottom of the screen. Select your local computer or domain from the drop-down box under the QR Code.
2) Open your StrongPass App and scan the QR Code. If your phone and computer support Bluetooth 4.0, a prompt will ask if you would like to use Proximity to log into this computer. If you answer Yes, the computer will be added to the list of Trusted Devices in the App and for future logins you can use Bluetooth to log in instead of scanning a QR Code. If you answer No, this computer will be marked as Blocked in the Trusted Devices list and you will need to scan QR Codes to log in. You can view or modify the list of trusted and blocked devices by clicking on the Trusted Devices icon in the App.
3) Next you will be prompted to add an account to the App for this computer. Select "Add New".
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4) Enter your account login and password. For domain accounts, include the domain as part of the Login ID (e.g. domain\userID). You can clear the auto-generated strong password by clicking the "X" in the password field. When you are done, click the "Next" button on iOS or "Save" button on Android. If you finish adding the account within 60 seconds, PC Logon will populate and submit your credentials to log in. Otherwise, if the pop-up has timed out, toggle the login option buttons at the bottom of the computer screen to generate a new pop-up.
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5) If you selected Yes to enable Proximity on the App, PC Logon will prompt you to pair your device. If you click Yes, you will be allowed to use Proximity with PC Logon. If you click No, you will be blocked from using Proximity and you must scan QR Codes to log in. This prompt will only be displayed the first time you log into this computer. You can view or modify the lists of allowed and blocked users with the Manage Proximity Users for PC Logon utility.
Log Into A Computer Account
1) After you have added your login credentials to the App, you can log into your computer with StrongPass. When you start your computer, or lock the screen, PC Logon will display a Proximity prompt or a QR Code. If you do not see the pop-up, click on the StrongPass PC Logon option at the bottom of the screen. Select your local computer or domain from the drop-down box in the pop-up.
Proximity | QR Code |
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2) Open your StrongPass App. If Proximity is configured, a prompt will be displayed to confirm the account credentials. Click "Yes" to confirm. If you are not using Proximity, scan the QR Code. The account credentials will be automatically populated and submitted in the Sign In window by PC Logon. You have 60 seconds to log in with StrongPass. If the pop-up has timed out, toggle the login option buttons at the bottom of the computer screen to generate a new pop-up.